The Hampton School District medication policy follows NH State law. Medication should not be taken during school hours if it is possible to achieve the regime at home. For example, antibiotics given three times per day or less can be safely scheduled and administered outside school hours.
Parents should request that medication be given at school only when absolutely necessary.
Prescription medication requires a school district form, completed by the prescriber, for each medicine, a pharmacy prescription label on each medicine container, and delivery of medicine by an adult to school personnel. Upon receipt all medication is counted and recorded.
For field trips an extra pharmacy labeled bottle is necessary. Pharmacists are usually happy to accommodate parent/school requests. For safety reasons, only a single field trip dose will be sent in the extra bottle.
Over the counter medication requires a school district form completed by a parent/guardian and delivery of medicine to school personnel in the original container. Please stop by and pick up a form or you may download a medication form HERE.
All medication is to be directly delivered by a guardian to school personnel for the safety of all students. Cough drops and candies of no medicinal value are not recommended for use in school.